Sophie Lane | Music / Performing Arts
Hi! I’m Sophie and I am a dancer. My whole life I’ve always known that I have wanted to dance. Starting at age 3, in many styles, I knew I had found my passion.
I danced competitively from a young age and was very successful. Winning many Most Promising Awards and special awards like ‘Fire Cracker’ and ‘Most Memorable’. I travelled to the huge Australian dance competition Showcase when I was 8 years old and won the overall League of Champions title against many talented dancers from Australasia, and also made top 5 in Dancer of the Year. At age 9 at the biggest New Zealand convention Kairos – I was spotted by the judges and teachers and offered a scholarship to the Village Nation Summer School in Sydney for a week of training. The same year I was also offered a place in Team New Zealand to attend the Dance World Cup in Portugal – the first time New Zealand had ever taken a team, unfortunately I wasn’t able to afford either of these huge opportunities but I believe everything happens for a reason. We stopped doing competitions due to financial reasons and we ended up moving to back to Tauranga where I was born. I danced in Tauranga but due to many factors I almost lost my love of dance. I branched out for a while and did Musicals – playing the lead role of Matilda for Otumoetai Intermediate, and being a child role in Les Miserables for Tauranga Musical Theatre. Then in 2022 the incredible Space Studios opened and I was instantly back in love with dance and everything that goes with it! Their motto “Hard work pays off’ has stuck with me. I was the youngest student in their amazing teams for 2 years, and worked hard to keep up with the ‘Big kids’. Going into 2025 as a Senior at Space studios, I now want to inspire the next generation of younger dancers coming up. With my teams, we hope to again travel to Phoenix, Arizona to bring back a medal – my teachers at Space, Cameron Smith & Summer Tyson and the best role models and inspire me to be the best I can be.