Victoria Kate Chanwai | Music / Performing Arts
Victoria Chanwai started violin at the age of 3 years. At age 15, she achieved her Trinity College ATCL Diploma in Violin Performance with Distinction. She started piano at age 9 years and achieved her Grade 8 Piano Examination 5 years later. Most recently, she has just sat her Grade 8 Organ Practical Examination. In 2016 and 2017, she was First Violin for the NZSSSO (New Zealand Secondary Schools Symphony Orchestra), and in 2017 she was Second Violin for the New Zealand National Youth Orchestra. Victoria frequently does volunteer work at Waikato Hospital as a Chapel Helper for the Hospital Chaplaincy Service, and plays music for the patients in the wards. She has also performed in charity fundraising concerts for the Hospital Chaplaincy Programme. In her leisure time, Victoria likes baking and running. She is also a coxswain for her school’s girls rowing team, and most recently was the national champion for the Girls Under 18 Coxed Four, winner of the Dawn Cup at Maadi 2017. Victoria believes music is soothing for the soul and loves sharing her music to bring joy to others.