Mackenzie Groos | Sport
My name is Mackenzie Groos. I currently paddle in the U23 Canoe Slalom K1 Womens team, I am also part of the National Performance Squad. I train about 15 hours a week – split between Vector Wero Whitewater Park, Okere Falls, Tauranga and the gym.
I am also halfway through my MBChB degree through Auckland University but live in Tauranga. Combined, these two commitments keep me on my toes but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Training is always a nice break from study each day and I have found learning about the body, beneficial for my understanding of sporting performance.
I am dedicated and do not shy away from hard work, my far-reaching vision gives me a sense of courage and purpose to persevere even when the going is tough. Last year I sustained two pretty major concussions, taking me out of university and paddling for a good part of the year. I had to learn how to deal with disappointment. That sometimes I need to say no to the good things to make space for the great things, for me this meant turning down some invitations to some pretty big events that were on the horizon.
When I am not hitting the books or at training, you can find me throwing myself off waterfalls, going on epic adventures, at the beach or with my head in a book or art project. I also really enjoy spending time with my friends and family, after all, without their support none of this would be possible.