Elle Smith | Sport
I am reliable, responsible, friendly and approachable. I have represented New Zealand at water polo, and played in every representative A team in our region. Through water polo I have learnt valuable skills in discipline, resilience, teamwork and leadership. Having been away with the various teams to many tournaments, competitions and camps, I thoroughly enjoy the team building aspect of this and participate in all associated activities.
I enjoy being active; besides water polo training I regularly attend the gym, run up the Mount, and enjoy snow boarding, wake boarding and mountain biking.
I have very high standards for myself at school, and set goals and work hard to achieve them. I always offer to help with any organisation needed for school camps and activities, and always look out for my class mates who may need assistance.
I have many friends from various aspects of my life and enjoy a happy and active social life.
I am community minded, and have learnt this from my parents who are always helping out the community in one way or another. For as long as I can remember we have been involved in various fund raising activities for a variety of charities. I have led the charge many times in fund raising for our own team activities and have had two overseas trips paid for from my fund raising activities.
Earlier this year I was fortunate to secure a job at the Pizza Library which helps me assist in paying my way for my sport and recreational activities. This has proved to be challenging at times to juggle work with training commitments but so far I have managed to make it work.
I would be grateful for the opportunity to be considered for a scholarship, and would do everything I could to represent the Adastra Foundation with pride.