Tynealle Fitzgerald | Sport
Hi, i am Tynealle Fitzgerald born and raised on a farm in Opotiki, i grew up with 1 older brother and sister and 1 younger brother sister.
I have a love for the outdoors growing up working on the farm and hunting/ fishing to provide for the family.
Went to St Josephs primary school in Opotiki and did my first three years of high school at Opotiki college where i first started rugby ( last 2 years at trident high school) , being forced to play just to make up numbers, after the first season playing i grew to love the game and now have bigger dreams, in the near future to wear the black jersey and represent my country and family with pride.
I play rugby not just because i love it but because this is how i show my appreciation to my family who have supported me right through this journey and put so much money and time into getting me to trainings all around the country side without a fail which i will be forever grateful for.
Quotes i use:
when things get hard ” if this was easy everyone would be here”
Going into a session “go hard or go home” quote from my dad that i live by.