Ella Rutherford | Sport
Every opportunity you get in life is a huge privilege, and I’m a big believer in making the most of everything that comes my way. Whether it’s in the sporting arena, in study, or socially, you’ve got to seize the moment! By setting clear goals, having good time management, and pushing the boundaries we can all achieve if we believe. Aside from competing I love to coach other young riders, seeing them reach their goals brings me just as much joy as when I set my own.
I have been really fortunate to represent my country twice already and that’s instilled in me a huge sense of determination to get out there, be the best I can be and have fun while I’m at it!
I am not afraid of hard work and training and am really grateful to have a hugely supportive family and grandparents who enjoy this crazy sport almost as much as I do.
My horses’ welfare is one of my main drivers, I put them before myself more often than not. Some athletes shine their gear, I sleep with them when they’re sick or check on them mid-storm because without them after all, I’d be lost.
Equestrian like so many sports, is full of knockbacks but I consider myself a pretty resilient young person- I never lose sight of the fact that the rewards you get from pushing through challenges are always worth it!