Amy Dunn | Sport
I am currently in my last year of school at Hamilton Girls’ High. Next year I plan to study for a Bachelor of Occupational Therapy at Wintec.
I have Hypochondroplasia, a form of Dwarfism. This has resulted in me standing at 4’4, with short arms and legs.
I am a part of an organisation for people of short stature, known as “Little People of New Zealand”. Rather than being part of an “organisation”, I see it as being part of a big extended family.
Since 2014, I have been a Delegate for LPNZ. Being a Delegate consists of asking members of LPNZ in my area for news from what’s been happening in their lives, which I then edit and send to the Editor, who puts it into a magazine called “Small Talk” with everyone else’s news in it, as well as interesting articles and photos. It’s been my favourite magazine since I was able to read! Other roles as a Delegate are organising gatherings for my area to have, while just keeping in touch with everyone and making sure they are well.
I am definitely one to take on opportunities. In March last year, I went on the Spirit of Adventure for 5 days, and in February this year I went on Outward Bound for 8
days. Both courses were for people with disabilities. Both courses were also outstanding and have shaped me into a better person.
I have been involved in Para-Athletics since November last year, which an ACC Paralympic Open Day introduced me to. I now train twice a week with my coach, Alan McDonald, and another para-athlete.
My height is no barrier for me. Instead, it has opened many opportunities, some stated above, which I am grateful of and fortunate for.
I like to go by this quote, “The only disability in life is a negative attitude”. That’s true. A negative attitude will not get you far. A disability on the other hand may be seen as a disadvantage. However, it becomes an ability to get you wide and far in life.