Ben Pomare | Sport

Ben Pomare | Sport

My name is Ben Pomare, I am 19 years old and have been playing cricket for the past 15 years. Throughout my years of playing cricket it has had a significant impact into who the person I am today. In order to be successful you have to fail over and over again. Accepting that I am going to fail more than I succed has enabled me to learn more about myself as a person and technically in cricket. I would have to say that this is the foremost value that I possess. I am highly motivated, not just on the cricket field but in life in general. I want to become the best man I can possibly be, for me this means giving back to the community, teacher and coaching younger players or even your teammates. Another key value that I take pride in is leadership. Leadership can bring a team together, make younger players less nervous and most importantly help other players/students grow their knowledge about cricket or whatever subject it may be. From previous experiences this key value of mine has had a huge impact on other players. As you can probably tell sport is my passion, whether it’s a cricket bat, a rugby ball, a tennis racquet or a golf club I just absolutely love being outdoors exercising and playing sports. It’s what I live for, without sport I’m not sure what I would do with myself. Alongside my passion for sport it has allowed me to meet new people and make new friends which I am very grateful for.


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February 26, 2020