Ciaran Manning | Sport

Ciaran Manning | Sport

My name is Ciaran Manning. I am fifteen years old and am currently in an accelerant class in Year 10 at Tauranga Boys College. I am an avid sportsman, having played a variety of sports to date including squash, badminton, soccer, rugby, cricket, volleyball and surf-lifesaving. In my spare time, I assist with coaching the junior squash programme at my local club – the Devoy Squash and Fitness Centre and volunteer as a lifeguard each summer at the Mount Maunganui Lifeguard Service. I also enjoy playing golf and surfing. I am a middle child, with an older and a younger sister, both of whom are also very involved in various sports.

I play squash as my main sport and have been fortunate to enjoy success in this sport this year both nationally and internationally. I really enjoy both the mental and physical aspects of squash, as well as the many friendships I have made with players across New Zealand and more recently, in Australia as well. I am very fortunate to have two coaches who assist me to develop my physical and technical skills, as well as the mental aspects of the game. I also study the Athletic Development Programme at Tauranga Boys College as one of my subjects at school this year. This course teaches me about nutrition, injury prevention and strength and conditioning. I use this knowledge to make me a better player on the squash court. I am always keen to learn how to better myself and my performance and take up all opportunities to develop as a squash player.

I am interested in pursuing a career in physiotherapy in the future and am determined to follow my dream to become a professional squash player.


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February 5, 2024