Claudia Ashby | Sport
My name is Claudia Ashby and I began competitive swimming at the age of 8. I used to be absolutely petrified of the water when I was little but now I can barely go a day without being in it. I belong to the Fairfield Swimming Club and spend between 16-18 hours a week in the pool. Being in the water feels like home to me and I have had some of the best experiences of my life because of the opportunities I have been given through swimming. I am a very outgoing, positive person and I love a good challenge and adventure in whatever way it may be. I love the the feel of pushing myself beyond limits that I thought weren’t possible for me and in the last year I have overcome so many barriers that I never thought I would be able to break down. I always look forward to the future and what new opportunities there are to come. I always try to be the best version of myself and I especially let this try to shine through when it comes to my swimming life.