Kahlia Cullwick | Sport

Kahlia Cullwick | Sport

Hey! I’m Kahlia, a 17 year old student from Mt Maunganui. I compete in Canoe Slalom, and currently hold the titles for top ranked U18 C1W and U18 K1W across the NZL 2021 season. I first hopped in a slalom boat in late 2016, and have been competing at various levels since then. I really love the technical challenge of the sport, the gorgeous places it has taken me, and the many ways sport pushes me to be better.
Finishing the school at the end of this year has really forced me to take a step back to become more introspective and figure out what is really important to me. I have very high expectations of myself, and have spent almost the whole of my life juggling schoolwork, various sports, dance, work and friends and family. It has been an awesome journey that has got me to this point in my life, but I am now ready to single- mindedly focus on just one thing, and really push myself to be the best I can be.
Next year I am moving to Auckland to pursue my goals in Canoe Slalom, and to study Industrial design at AUT. I am super excited to see where sport can take me in the future.


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September 14, 2021