Kate Littlejohn | Sport

Kate Littlejohn | Sport

I believe I am a very well rounded person. This is based not only on my achievements but on my values. Motivated and hardworking, I am a person who sets very high standards and goals. My approach to attaining these is to stay calm in stressful situations and building up others around me to achieve things as a team. I love to see others around me succeed and take inspiration from that. One of the best ways to lead is to be “the servant” and do things by example. When others see you doing the right things they will do the same. Also, when you serve others, they will respond to you.

Seeing girls do well at St Paul’s is something I am particularly passionate about. Coming from St Pauls where there are only 125 girls to about 580 boys means that girls have to stick together. As a female student, you have to learn to hold your own with respect and determination. A key statement made by one of my Housemasters when I first came to St Pauls was ‘If you respect yourself, others will respect you.’ I believe I represent what this statement is saying by always acting appropriately in all situations and representing my friends, family and school with proud and respectful actions of integrity.


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February 6, 2018