Merrill Abapo | Music / Performing Arts

Merrill Abapo | Music / Performing Arts

Hi, my name is Merrill!

I have been passionate about performance from a very young age and has become an integrated part of my life. I sing a lot… ask anyone and they’ll most likely tell you I sing a bit too much. I actively try to perform whenever I get the chance, whether that be a recital or a talent show. I took guitar lessons as a child, and not long after that, I took hip hop classes for a few years. Since then I have continued to practice both, and have not lost my love for them. These past 5 years I have been taking voice lessons, which has only ignited my love for singing. I am constantly amazed by how much you can achieve with your voice just by learning the right techniques and how to execute them. This is a part of why I want to be able to continue learning my instrument. Theatre and acting are also a big part of my love for performance. I actively participate in every show I have access to. I have found performance has helped me gain a lot of confidence, meet lots of people, and given me lots of fulfilment and joy.


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February 27, 2023