Alia Jaques | Sport

Alia Jaques | Sport

I am a very hard working and dedicated athlete and student. I study a conjoint degree of Law and Business Management at the Waikato University. I am doing Honours this year and have just got a summer internship at a law firm in Auckland. This will make it easier to...
Alice Taylor | Sport

Alice Taylor | Sport

One final chance and this could be it. Bounding forwards, gathering speed and intensity, I plant my foot and launch myself through the air. My body arches over the bar as I land and watch the bar wobble. My stomach tightens, will it fall? The bar stops vibrating, and...
Ally Wollaston | Sport

Ally Wollaston | Sport

My name is Ally Wollaston. I am 16 years old and am currently boarding at St Peter’s Cambridge. I attended Baradene College in Auckland for 3 years, then moved to St Peter’s Cambridge 3 years ago to further my cycling with the easy access to the velodrome. My...
Amarnee Shepherd | Sport

Amarnee Shepherd | Sport

I am a very driven and self-motivated person not only in my sporting codes but also in my academic ventures. I pride myself on my ability to work hard to achieve goals I have set myself both on and off the field or court. Some of the values that help shape me as a...