Sirtori Eade | Music / Performing Arts
Hi! My name is Sirtori Eade, I’m 17 years old and I live in Cambridge. I’m a Jazz and HipHop dancer. I train 6-7 hours a week with my dance teachers Carmel Horwath and Jazmyn Gyde.
I began dancing when I was 5 years old, I quickly became very passionate about the sport and the opportunities that arose. With the support and encouragement of my parents and dance teacher they helped me grow my dancing alongside my stage confidence and performance skills. From dancing not only have I as a person gained performance skills and another second family. I have also made many friends and had the opportunities to grow my dance styles. Some of my dance highlights are being selected to dance at the NZAMD scholarships in 2017 for Jazz. Another is becoming an ambassador for ThisIsME helping to encourage women of all ages to be active in any way shape or form. Another is being awarded a return scholarship to Phoneix an international dance workshop. Finally, a key highlight is becoming an assistant Jazz teacher at my dance studio.
Over the years I have learnt to appreciate every opportunity that has been given to me helping me towards my goals, I have developed a lot of confidence through performing. As a person I have some key values such as a strong work ethic, having motivation to work towards my dreams, having a good social skill and always being open to new information. You also have to remember to make some time for yourself, to have a good laugh and to be grateful for everything