Will Skipper | Sport

Will Skipper | Sport

My name is William Skipper.
I was born here in New Zealand and raised as an active person who was always running around. I was raised playing rugby like my bigger brother and Riding Bikes in the Forest and racing BMX. I grew up playing these sport and continued with them for a good 8 years racing BMX at the nationally ranked level coming 2nd at the national championships when I was 8 years old. I have just come back from overseas where I raced BMX as a Jr Elite Male at the Glasgow Scotland 2023 BMX world championship. I went through a selection process and hard and long training on track and in the gym to build muscle and lose some weight so that I would be able to get my legs moving and bike moving faster.

In the time I have been racing BMX I have learnt many valuable life lessons that I will continue to use as the years go on. My most valued lessons that I learnt is that when I don’t succeed not to give up and try again and again until I do. Using this lesson has caused me to grow into a faster rider and more determined person to achieve my goals out of school and in school.

I am currently year 13 at Rotorua Boys’ High School where I have passed year 11 and 12 at merit and this year I am on path to pass year 13 with merit and possible excellence. I have been selected as a young achiever which is only 9 students from my school can get. I have also been given my honors tie which is given to students to commemorate students for great sporting achievements that are at the world level or for highly academic students.

I have only been able to get this far due to my amazing family and my great friends who have pushed and pushed me passed that breaking point to in order to raise my skill. I am excited to continue this journey and continue working hard withing BMX and School.


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February 5, 2024