Zyleika Smith Pratt | Sport
I am very proud to have already represented my country, New Zealand, and my Iwi Ngati Kahunguni. I hope to continue to make my family, especially my little sister, my mum and my grandmum, proud of me. They are at every meet I go to. In fact, my grandmum taught me to swim, and is still coaching at the pool I train at.
I love working hard, and push myself to achieve goals every meet I attend. I also motivate my younger sister, who is already smashing records and winning golds.
When I left synchronised swimming it was with the knowledge that to represent new Zealand well, I had to choose between my two sports – swimming and synchronised swimming. So I am using that to mentally motivate me even more.
I try to fundraise to assist the costs of my training. As I train 5 mornings, five afternoons, as well as school work, I struggle to get the time as well as plan for study and rest. Therefore I would be very grateful for any assistance, as I know my family has already sacrificed to get me where I am.