Fergus Lellman | Sport
I was born and bred in Tauranga and have had a bat and ball in my hand for as long as I can remember. I have always loved being outdoors and doing as much as i can to fill up my day. Cricket is my real passion but I have also played 1st XI hockey, 1st XV rugby and even been a competitive rock climber for a while. I have been lucky enough to have a number of great opportunities with sport and my other extra-curricular interests including Trinity Speech & Drama (which I have achieved to Grade 8) and playing roles in the school musicals. I love to take up anything which comes my way and to give things a go. As Head Boy of Aquinas College in 2019 my mantra has been “don’t just say it, do it”. I have been lucky to have great coaching support in all my codes and especially cricket. It is a key value for me to make sure I give back so I have been involved in coaching younger cricket players, both at Aquinas College and for my cricket club, Otumoetai Cadets,the Loaves & Fishes programme making school lunches and I have been a representative for the past 2 years on the National leadership program for SADD (Students against Dangerous Driving). I have a passion for economics and in the future hope to be able to use my planned university studies to produce positive change for the communities around me through policy changes and initiatives.