Timothy Evans | Music / Performing Arts
Kia ora! I’m Tim Evans, a singer and composer from Hamilton, who has a passion for art of all forms and developing the passions of others. I was born and raised here in Hamilton, and started getting involved in the arts at age 5, when my Saturday morning recorder lessons were the highlight of my week. Since then, I’ve picked up more skills and instruments and love every moment. My skills in music include being a high level vocalist, a woodwind specialist and composer, predominantly for choral and orchestral settings.
From a young age, I found a home in the arts and wanted to fully immerse myself in this amazing world of culture and beauty. I’m lucky to now get to live out the dreams of my younger self, constantly having new opportunities and experiences with people who inspire me. If little Tim could see me now, I’m sure he’d smile.
I love to teach as well, and work with younger people. Seeing the light in their eyes when one of my students nails a new piece of music is about as rewarding as it gets. As amazing as performing myself is, the true beauty of music, I find, is sharing it with others. These kids could end up like me one day, in a world of excitement and blessing that might only be their dream now. I am proud to get to set these kids up on a path toward success in this field, and can only hope they keep dreaming.
In the future, I always want to keep looking up towards new horizons and people who I can share the beauty of music with.