Ngāti Raukawa tēnei e tū ake
E tū ake i te tihi ō tōku maunga a Wharepuhunga
E tū whirikōka i roto i te ahuru mōwai ō Pikitu
E whakamanahia i taku tupuna a Huri, he tangata, he tipua
Kauria i nga wai o Waikato, Rangikakake kei te piko
Nei te uri a Rauakawa e mihi ana.
I am a descendant of Raukawa. Before him, a descendant of Mahinaarangi and Turongo. I can trace from before them a great line of tupuna mana wahine and mana tane. I am grateful for the paths which my tupuna and tuakana have paved for me. I have always been adamant on continuing the mahi of my tupuna and tuakana, by paving paths for all who will come after. I hope to reflect these intentions both on the rugby field and also in the classroom.