Matthew Waddell | Sport
“Don’t count every day, make every day count”. This quote summarises a philosophy that I like to take into my everyday life, something that has been evident in my life ever since I was a young kid. From a very young age, I have partaken in a huge range of sports from mountain biking and karate to competitive swimming, I’ve represented my region in cricket and rugby and nationally with my passion for rowing. Having such variety is something that I realise I am very lucky to experience but it is through these many sports that I have been able to develop a strong skill set that I have been able to apply beyond the rowing boat.
Sport has taught me to look beyond the present moment and look at the deeper meaning behind the situation. Every loss, injury, and tough session has happened for a reason and I believe that if it wasn’t for the learnings that I gained from these situations I wouldn’t be the person I am today. The gains that I have been able to develop from these situations have meant that I’ve been able to develop into a stronger and better athlete. While I am very excited to potentially pursue a career in rowing, I realise that ‘plan A’ doesn’t always work out. Hence I try to be the best whole rounded person I can be. This year I have had the honour of being Head Boy at St Paul’s Collegiate School – something that has presented many amazing opportunities and learning experiences. I have also been the captain of rowing, house prefect and head of the Junior portfolio committee. I like to pride myself on having a high work ethic and this is not only on the sports field, but in the classroom. Over the past 2 years I have been successful in gaining NCEA level 1 and 2 with Excellence Endorsement something that I have had to work hard for but it has certainly been rewarding seeing this hard work pay off.