Sirtori Eade | Music / Performing Arts
Hey there, my name is Sirtori Eade! I was first enrolled in dance at age 5, and I loved it! Through the years I gravitated towards two dance genres which are Jazz and Hip Hop, and I am beyond thankful that I was given these opportunities. Dance is both creative and unique, yet very difficult to master musicality, correct technique and stage presence.
Dedication, time management, teamwork and self-discipline are just a few lessons which dance has taught me and I have applied within my everyday life. Along with the importance of gratitude, courage and resilience which are very important values to me.
This year I have started teaching which has given me another perspective of dance, especially to help others find their own spark in something they love.
My plans in the future are to further my dance, pursuing my Jazz Solo Diploma and continuing to teach in one day to have my very own studio 🙂