Lucy Boucher | Sport

Lucy Boucher | Sport

I am an extroverted individual, who values time spent with others. It is important to me that I take all opportunities at my disposal and I love giving things a go. This is evident in the various sports I have played over my time at high school including; cricket,...
Lucarne Dolley | Sport

Lucarne Dolley | Sport

I am the type of person who believes it takes many people to make a dream or a goal come true, and it is this support system that allows me to be able to uphold my own values – which include but are not limited to hard work, passion, trust, and commitment. I am...
Lola Hennessey | Sport

Lola Hennessey | Sport

Starting Karate began as a 7-year-old wanting to be like my older brother and has continued to be a sport I still love competing in 10 years later. My first World Karate Championship in Chile 2019 was during riots and a state of emergency where I placed 5th, was an...
Lily Pearce | Sport

Lily Pearce | Sport

Hi I am 16 years old living in Tauranga. I enjoy all sports and have been playing Hockey from 11 years of age. I really love the team comradery that hockey provides and the competitive athleticism. I also love swimming and first started competitive swimming at the age...
Liam Lace | Sport

Liam Lace | Sport

I’ve always loved the outdoors and being in, and around water from a very young age, but it wasn’t until I was eight or nine that I had my first encounter with a kayak, and I’ve been paddling ever since. At the age of 16, with drivers licence in hand, I was able to...