Daniel Cossey | Sport
In Taekwon-do I particularly love the challenge of learning difficult kicks and techniques. It requires a lot of focus and perseverance to keep on trying especially as it’s usual to take many attempts to master a skill. Perseverance is one of the tenants of Taekwon-do; the others being: Courtesy, Integrity, Self-Control and Indomitable Spirit.
I have been training in Taekwon-do since I was nine and am very committed to my sport, not only as a student but also as an instructor. I enjoy teaching a class and also giving private lessons. I am in Year 12 at Bethlehem College and am planning on attending university to study Biology when I have finished school.
The last few years I have been involved with the Duke of Edinburgh award. Our group did many tramps and kayaking trips which I thoroughly enjoyed. I also have been learning guitar for a number of years which I really enjoy. I love attending youth group and church.