From a young age I have always had a love for the outdoors and sports. My passion is hockey, I have played since I was 11 and have played for many high performance teams such as Midlands U21s, and the Junior Blacksticks and more recently the Maverick men’s and selected into the Performance network. I have always liked using my hands to build things whether it was Lego, building bridges with Meccano or helping my granddad build and design furniture which has lead me down the path of studying and completing in 2020 a Bachelor in Engineering with honours first class from the University of Waikato. I also am very interested in self-improvement whether it is through training and gym, studying or reading self-help and motivational books in addition to this I am also very interested in how money can make money through investment, shares and passive income. In additions I really enjoy having a good time and relaxing whether that is going for a round of golf with my mates or my dad, going for a hike on one of new Zealand’s great walks, surfing or just chilling out playing cards or reading a book.