Jenna Hastings | Sport

Jenna Hastings | Sport

hey, it’s Jenna. I’m 17 years old straight out of good old Roto Vegas. I’ve always loved the outdoors, camping, tramping, the water, and the snow, but the best part of the outdoors – my bike and the forests I ride in. My bike has become my place of fun and freedom, when I swing my leg over my bike, the wind and the trees around me is so freeing, just disappearing into the bush for hours on end with nothing except you and your bike is the best thing in the world. My love for bikes started when I was 6, with BMX racing, which I did until I was 14, but crossed over into mountain biking when I was about 12. The sport of biking has taken me places and given me experiences I will never forget. I’ve met people who will stay in my life forever through this sport and it’s shaped me and continues to shape me into the person I am today. My bike has taught me to stay determined, resilient, humble, and to most importantly, have fun. I’m always giving 110%, trying my best and if I’m not having fun, what’s the point of it. I’d like to think of myself as a glass-half-full person, always trying to make the best of situations, wanting to get out, have fun, and make the most of situations that propose challenges. I hope to be able to travel the world wth my bike and my mates, racing in different countries and making loads and loads more life-long memories.


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February 15, 2022