Lulu Johnson | Sport

Lulu Johnson | Sport

Sport has always been a part of my life from as early as I can remember .Before I could ride a bike with my family around our orchard .. I would run. At 5 years old I was registered for Surf life Saving (nippers).A sport I have been in for 10 years. For the last two summers I have been a volunteer Lifeguard and enjoy giving back by helping with Nippers and Holiday programs run by Mount Surf Club. I have played Basketball, Touch Rugby, Indoor Volleyball , Beach Volleyball and Hockey. Enjoying success in both Indoor Volleyball and two national Titles ( age group and Secondary Schools) in Beach Volleyball in 2019. I am also pleased to have been selected in U18 Tauranga Hockey Rep team. 2020/21 has been a huge year for me. Six National Titles across three sports. Two in SLSNZ, Two in NZSS Athletics and Two in NZSS Triathlon. None of which could have been achieved without my coach Craig Kirkwood and my parents. Not only coach, Craig has shown me what hard work is and what can happen when you set yourself up right. I would love to represent the fern in the near or distant future. Although busy with sport I try to put the same effort into my academics and school life. I love attending and representing Mount Maunganui College, they have been both supportive and encouraging in my sporting endeavours. ” It is not the win but the effort to get there” is the important message I believe in.


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March 11, 2022