Zakk Patterson | Sport

Zakk Patterson | Sport

Hi, my name is Zakk Patterson and I am a 17-Year-old Road and Track Cyclist. In January this year I moved back to New Zealand after living on the Gold Coast for the last 13 years. As I am not an Australia citizen, I could no longer race National events so the decision was made to move back home along with my family to further my Road and Track Cycling ambition. I have always loved riding a bike and started racing BMX when I was just 3 ½, I then moved to road cycling at 5 continuing with BMX and also playing Rugby League. Whilst I was in Australia racing, I have won many Queensland State Championships, I have 2 track State records and have won 7 National Championships on the Road and Track. My proudest moment to date was the selection into the New Zealand Junior Worlds team for 2020, however due to Covid -19 the World Championships have been cancelled. I train hard and I am extremely dedicated, my goal is to compete at the highest level in either road or Track cycling and to become a Professional Cyclist. When I am not training or racing, I like to spend time with my friends and family. I am in my final year of school and have completed a Certificate 2 in Electrotechnology, I am hoping to get an apprenticeship in this field.


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February 9, 2021