Charlie Roigard | Music / Performing Arts
Tenā Tatōu katoa,
Ko Charlie Roigard Toku Ingoa.
I am a year 13 Prefect at Rotorua Boys’ High School and I was born with Dwarfism. There are approximately 400 types of dwarfism and the type I have is Achondroplasia. As one could imagine, having dwarfism has come with many challenges. Because my physical stature does not replicate most of my peers, being able to get a part time job or a restricted drivers licence has been quite a substantial barrier for me. Even though these constraints due to my dwarfism have given me some setbacks, they have also given me the ability to build up a strong sense of resilience which motivates me to keep aiming high.I enjoy pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and challenging myself to be better each day. My ultimate goal is to Inspire others to live their own dreams even if they have a disability, and show that they can push through anything to get where they want to be. Nothing can slow them down.My entire life I have broken down barriers and I want to inspire the next generation of people who are like me to do the same.