Jade Fairley | Sport

Jade Fairley | Sport

Ko Aoraki rāua Ko Kopukairoa ōku maunga

Ko Makaawhio rāua Ko Waikato ōku awa

Ko Uruau rāua Ko Mataatua ōku waka

Ko Te Tauraka Waka a Maui rāua Ko Te Whetu o Te Rangi ōku marae

Ko Ngai Tahu rāua Ko Ngati Pukenga ōku iwi

Ko Jade Fairley tōku ingoa

Kia Ora. My name is Jade Fairley. I am a small town rural girl from Reporoa where I have grown up all my life. Growing up in Reporoa taught me a lot. It taught me to dream big and be the strong wahine Māori that rangatahi could look up to in the future.

Sports have always had a big impact in my life since I was 5 years old, when I first discovered my love for all games. I have played many codes throughout my time, but have stuck with Basketball since I was year 4 when I was introduced to the sport.

Basketball has taken me all across the country, competing in many Nationals competitions for Rotorua, as well as my schools. I was even fortunate enough to travel to Australia twice to showcase my talents, as well as many other athletes across Aotearoa.

I enjoy all aspects of the game, and learnt to ref at a young age. Recently I have also gotten into coaching Basketball as well.

I wish to give back to the Basketball community and be able to reach the next generation the skills I have received, as Basketball has given so much to me in my many years of playing.


Posted on

February 27, 2023